death valley super bloom
Wild flowers during the spring at Death Valley National Park are not an uncommon site. In the winter of 2015 heavy rainfall and an early warm-up in January of 2016, provided for the perfect combination for a rare “super bloom” to occur. Hillsides and roadsides were blanketed in groves of predominantly yellow flowers. Purple and white flowers also sprouted in an event that hasn’t been seen since the 1990’s.

In years past, I had seen an occasional wildflower here and there but nothing like what I was about to encounter at Death Valley National Park. After hearing about the super bloom, I decided to head out for an overnight photography trip to witness this even first hand. Death Valley National Park has a very rugged landscape and I was excited to see what the area would look like with a sea of wildflowers.
On this trip, I packed up both my large format cameras and shot a significant amount of images to document the super bloom. Was the weather going to cooperate? Was I up for the challenge? Find out in this video journal of my overnight adventure to Death Valley National Park during the super bloom.
Thanks in advance for watching and your continued support!