Fujifilm Velvia: Everything I've Learned


In 2009 I began shooting Fujifilm Velvia and learned very quickly just how tricky this film could be to use. Early on I would get some amazing images but at the same time I was getting images that were simply unusable. Why was I getting such inconsistent and unreliable results? It was definitely in the way that I was metering the scene as well as understanding the latitude of the film; or lack thereof.

It has taken me years to overcome some of these obstacles because information on how to use and shoot this type of film is sparse. Through careful experimentation, I have learned the quirks of Velvia 50 and Velvia 100 and put together a video guide that presents my findings and techniques in a complete package. While there is always room for human error, these techniques have allowed me to produce much more consistent and reproducible results.

After 5 months of production, I present to the world my video on everything I’ve learned about shooting Fujifilm Velvia. It is a magnificent color-reversal film with wonderful sharpness and will bring you delight if you enjoy vivid and saturated colors. Viewing slide film on a light table is truly a surreal and unique experience.

Please be sure to watch my YouTube video to find out just how to begin shooting this film and start getting some amazing results from the get-go. If you are currently shooting the film, there may also be something interesting for you too! Thanks in advance for watching and your continued support!